Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 3

Day 3

Psalm 107:1–32

     The theme of Psalm 107 (stated in the first two verses) is followed by four “personal testimonies”—illustrations of those who have been redeemed by the Lord and have reason to give Him thanks. Each testimony includes a similar progression: distress—the straits people found themselves in; a desperate cry to the Lord for help; and Divine deliverance. The passage is punctuated by a response—a “thanksgiving chorus” that is repeated at the end of each testimony.

     Today, write out your personal testimony of God’s saving grace, following the progression found in Psalm 107.

  • What was your life like before He redeemed you?
  • How did God bring you to the end of yourself, to the place where you cried out to Him for mercy?
  • What has changed since He delivered you from your slavery to sin?
     If you have additional time, write another brief testimony of a time subsequent to your initial salvation, when you were in distress, you cried out to the Lord, and He came to your rescue.

     Then share your story (His story) with someone else today. Tell them how grateful you are to the Lord for saving you—eternally, as well as daily.

     I don't know about you, but I enjoyed today's challenge! I was saved as a little girl, but turned my back on God for about a year. God used that time to bring me to my knees and has continued to do so. It certainly hasn't been easy, but when we sin the consequences are never easy. Praise be to God, He has used it to sanctify me!

      There have been other times, such as when I was in the hospital wondering if i might lose Josiah or my life. My husband living far away was another.

     Of course there are some that are still in process. Such as losing our precious Emma, my husband being up here (it is COMPLETELY different and I am constantly crying out for the Lord to make me a more godly wife and show us how to work and live together *smile*), and of course unemployment has been the biggest trial.But I have chosen to trust God and want to give HIM the glory-DURING and AFTER.

What about you? I would love to hear your testimony. Or share it with someone else.

If you have time read 1 Thes. 5:16-18 then listen to, The Bouquet of Thorns.

I want to challenge you, to begin to thank God for the thorns; to consider the thorns a blessing; to see God's purpose and hand in bringing thorns into our lives. -Nancy

For His Glory,

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