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Josiah in his hospital gown, before surgery. |
As I write this I am so tired! I can barely keep my eyes open. I am sitting here in the family waiting area at Children’s Hospital in Boston , waiting for Josiah to get out of surgery.
Praise the Lord we made it safely and I remembered to give him all his meds! Hooray! Talk about trying to stress a momma out. They told me he would have to have five doses of his inhaler for today to help his lungs not freak out in reaction to the anesthesia. This morning they told me he could still react. Plus he suffers from nasty acid reflux, due to the g-tube. It’s not acid reflux like you or I would get. It comes out his nose and mouth and I have a hospital grade suction machine. You literally stick a tube done his nose. Not fun! The anesthesia could cause him to have reflux and he could aspirate. So, yeah just a little scary! *smile*
A friend reminded me of a verse that helps her when her son s dealing with his medical issues. “You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3 I thank God for the perfect peace. He has given it to me time and time again through my pregnancy and trials with Josiah. I wouldn’t make it without God’s peace!
Josiah is having a Latham device inserted into the roof of his mouth (first of many surgeries for his cleft palate and lip). It will be in for six LONG weeks. They said he will be cranky and in pain. At times I feel like I can’t handle another thing “thrown” at me, such as, right now. I am so tired, how am I going to handle a cranky baby, house, homeschooling and two more children. God always amazes me with HIS strength and grace that carries me through.
I have no idea how anyone who doesn’t rely on God survives. Between the worry, stress and exhaustion, I wouldn’t make it without God! I am so physically and emotionally drained. Plus, I found out I’m in for a LONG night here at the hospital. I thought he would sleep from the meds all night. Perhaps God will be merciful and allow him and me to sleep. Even if He doesn’t I know that God knows best and He will carry me through.
God tells us (even in this new trial) that we are to “count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. Nut let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing.” James 1:2-4
I am thankful that God allowed Josiah to live! I am thankful for his strength and grace! I’m thankful, because it could be a lot worse!
Driving in this morning once again through one of my kids songs God reminded me that Josiah is in the best hands possible….his LORD and Creator!
HE has the whole world in His hands
He’s got the little bitty baby in His hands.
He has Josiah (and me and you) in HIS hands!! There is NO better place to be!
What about you? What are you struggling with? Don’t forget to lay it at the feet of the cross. He will lift you up and carry you through it!
For His glory,