Saturday, January 5, 2013

Meeting Jesus on the Water

So He said, "Some." And Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying "Lord, save me!" And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
Matt. 14:29-31

     It has been a long, rough week. I'd say Saturday through Wednesday morning where the hardest. They went by s...l...o...w...l...y! Now that New  Years is over with, Lord willing my husband can find a new job. I hadn't even remembered it was New Year's until everyone was texting us. 

     During this trialing time, I have to keep my eyes on Jesus! In church one men said he felt God leading him to read Matt. 14:29-31. And I thought that is how I feel. I'm trying to stay focused on God, but I struggle with fear. When that fear creeps in, more and more thoughts and fear creep in and I start to doubt and sink.

     I'm still struggling with disappointment and some anger. We are all boxed up and where looking for a HOUSE to rent up North. First off, I was excited to move up North (sad to leave our church though). It's close to ski mountains and they get more snow for the kids to play in. We would have had a house to ourselves to rent. Then we where planning on buying,. I was really looking forward to settling down and eventually buying a home. It's quite and out in the country that way. So even if we couldn't afford to own a lot of land, the kids would still have woods to run and play in. My hearts desire to own a home where we can all be under one roof. I can finally make a place cozy to live in and not have half our stuff in storage waiting. I would love to have chickens for fresh eggs and a very big garden. *smile* We where planning and dreaming and this time it looked like it was going to become a reality. But God has other plans. I am struggling with that. I have been reminded that God has something better planned, then that. Sometimes it feels hard to believe. BUT, I must keep my focus on HIM, not on what I feel or know. *smile*

     I am trying to stay focused on what I am thankful for. Here are a few:

1.      I am thankful for my church family. They have come along side of us to counsel, pray and encourage us. I have several other friends who's husbands are either out of work or have been in the same situation before. I am thankful for these other godly, older, sister's in-Christ to advice and encourage me. I am also thankful that my husband has godly men to encourage him.

2. I am thankful that Josiah (our son) still has medical insurance! He still needs quite a bit of medical care and get medical supplies delivered monthly. So I praise God for provided that for him.

3. We can continue going to our church.

4. We didn't get stuck in a yearly lease (way up North, far from friends and family), then find out a few days later that my husband didn't have a job!

5. That my husband is home to invest in his family. I truly believe that God used this job to bring my husband up here so we could all be together as a family. He did say he wanted a job that allowed him more time with his family! *chuckle* Now he has more time then he bargained for. All teasing aside, he can use this time to build our marriage, our children, our family, etc. Though I'd prefer my husband to not be out of a job, I am thankful that he is here! I have been joking that we have been married a month. Since we have never lived under one roof since, EVER. So it's been a challenge and more so now that we are all home together. But as "iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Prove 27:17

6. Though I don't like where we live, I am thankful we have a decent apartment to live in. I'm also thankful that I only have to share the washer and dryer with the family below us and that is it not coin operated (I had to remind my self of that detail). *smile*

Well, the list could go on for, "my brethren, count it all joy when you fall fall into various trials." James 1:2

Was there ever a time your or your husband was out of work? What did you do? I would love to hear from you!

For His glory,

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