Friday, January 11, 2013

Walking on Faith

By faith Abraham obeyed when he called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. Heb. 11:8

I have started to read, My Utmost For His Highest. By, Oswald Chambers. What a great book! He takes a verse, then expands on it. With everything that is going on right now Hebrews 11:8 really "hit home" for me. The chapter is on faith.

by faith Abraham...
by faith he dwelt...
by faith Sarah...
by faith Joseph... 
by faith Moses...
by faith he forsook...
by faith he kept... 
by faith they passed...
by faith the walls...

...By Faith...

Here is part of what Oswald Chambers had to say on verse 8 :

"Have you been asking God what He is going to do? (why yes, Mr. Chambers I am struggling with needing to know!) He will never tell you. God does not tell you what He is going to do; He reveals to you Who He is. Do you believe in a miracle-working God, (yes, I do. I struggle with believing He will do it in my life though) and will you go out in surrender to Him until you are not surprised an atom at anything He does? 

Suppose God is the God you know Him to be when you are nearest to Him-what an impertinence worry is(yes, is it I wish I didn't struggle with it so much)! Let the attitude of the life be a continual "going out" in dependence upon God, and you life will have an ineffable charm about it which is satisfaction to Jesus. You have to learn to go out of convictions, out of creeds, out of experiences  until so far as you faith is concerned, there is nothing between yourself and God."

I don't know about you, but I want that type of faith! I don't look forward to the trials and tribulations it may take to get me there though! *smile* But in the end they will be worth it.

What about you, do you want that type of faith? Do you have that type of faith? Do you fully and completely rely on God and are not surprised at anything He does?

For His glory,

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