Friday, January 18, 2013

"Be My Valentine" Marriage Challenge

Courtney over Good Morning Girls is putting out a "Be My Valentine"  marriage challenge. 

I have excitedly excepted that challenge! 

To be honest my marriage needs it. With the Lord providing my husband with a job and moving up here to NH, has brought challenge's of it's own. It is like being newly weds, trying to learn to live and function together, but with 3 children. Then the Lord took my husband's job. Unemployment, being together 24/7 and then having the flu has brought ALOT of issues and challenges to "the table." *smile*

I believe this challenge will help give me the boost I need to show my husband love and affection. Lord willing, it will help bring about a positive change. 

From the challenge: JR Miller writes “So it is in the dark hours of a man’s life, when burdens press, when sorrows weigh like mountains upon his soul, when adversities have left him crushed and broken, or when he is in the midst of fierce struggles which try the strength of every fibre of his manhood, that all the radiance and glory of a true wife’s strengthful love shine out before his eyes. Only then does he recognize in her God’s angel of mercy.”

I want to be there for my husband during this difficult time and am trying! Now that I am on the mend (flu is gone, now battling a sinus infection), I have the energy to do that. *smile*

This weekend I am going to start by calling a mentor for advice on encouraging my husband and answering some questions I have regarding my husband's unemployment (her husband has been unemployed for 4 years!) I am also going to work on cleaning up the house! I know the mess has been bothering my husband, but I haven't had the energy to deal with it. 

Starting Monday the challenge calls for us to encourage and praise our husband at least once a day. Are you up for that challenge? I am! Stay posted as I think of creative ways to apply this challenge to my marriage. *smile*

Here is the original challenge. Will you join me? I would love to know if you are and how you are applying it to your marriage!

For His glory,


  1. I am visiting from Women Living Well and also doing the Valentine's Challenge! What a wonderful attitude you have in spite of the trials and challenges you are moving through! Many blessings upon your family, may love blossom and bloom brightly!

  2. Welcome and thank You!:) I hope I can be an encouragement for others. :)

  3. Hello there, I am stopping by from Far Above Rubies. I pray that you return to God glorifying health. Have a blessed week. Tara.


Welcome! Your always encouraged to leave your kind and encouraging, thoughts and comments, I love reading them!

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