Friday, November 15, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 9

Day 9

2 Corinthians 9:6–15

Where gratitude grows, you’ll generally find 

generosity flourishing as well. Yet, generosity is a 

most unnatural quality. I mean, here we stand today, 

in an age as risky, volatile, and dangerous as any 

other in memory, where conventional wisdom 

declares this is no time to be loose with our money 

and other resources.

Yet Paul expressed a surprising lack of concern for 

economic indicators when he advised the Corinthian 

church to let generosity be among the most notable 

expressions of their gratitude. His trust in God’s 

supply was so strong, he treated as a “given” the fact 

that the church would “be enriched in every way to 

be generous in every way, which through us will 

produce thanksgiving to God” (v. 11). “God is able to 

make all grace abound to you, so that having all 

sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in 
every good work” (v. 8).

In all things. At all times. Even these times. Grateful 

people are generous people.

What act(s) of generosity might gratitude be 

motivating you toward today? Ask God for wisdom 

and faith, and then follow through on the promptings 

of His Spirit in relation to your giving.

I love being generous. Yet I find it hard to do lately. I find myself thinking I have to make $20 stretch for groceries…how can I afford to give that money to someone else?

Yet I have heard of people doing just that…giving what little money they had and God blessing and providing for them.

I pray God will give my husband and I courage and boldness to generously give to others in need!

What about you? Are you grateful and generous? How may I pray for you today? I have thoroughly enjoyed praying for y’all!

For His Glory,

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