Day 18
1 Corinthians 10:1–13
In today’s reading, Paul reflects back
on the children of Israel in the
wilderness and identifies four specific
sins they committed, all of which had
dire consequences. It’s sobering to
realize that He includes the sin of
“grumbling” with these other sins and
takes them all seriously!
on the children of Israel in the
wilderness and identifies four specific
sins they committed, all of which had
dire consequences. It’s sobering to
realize that He includes the sin of
“grumbling” with these other sins and
takes them all seriously!
Grumbling is the opposite of
thankfulness. Like gratitude, it starts in
the heart and expresses itself in our
words. It grows out of the sin of
discontentment—not being satisfied
with what God has provided.
Philippians 2:14–15 says we are to
“do all things without grumbling,” and
that when we are obedient in this
matter, our lives shine the light of
Christ into our dark world.
Are you guilty of the sin of grumbling?
If so, confess that to the Lord; ask Him
to forgive you and to grant you true
repentance. Purpose in your heart to
“put off” all complaining and to “put
on” a heart of thankfulness.
Ask God to make you sensitive and
alert to situations over the next twenty-
four hours where your natural response
would be to murmur or whine. Ask Him
for grace to give thanks every time
you’re tempted to grumble.
Over the next 24 hours. remember when your tired after getting up at 4am to put the turkey in and spend the day cooking and cleaning grumbling!! I the only one that will need this reminder? *wink*
Do you struggle with grumbling? For me some days are easier then others when it comes to not grumbling, but we need to remember that God takes grumbling seriously.
Have an AWESOME Thanksgiving (and remember NO grumbling. *wink*)!!
For His Glory,