Day 12
3 John 1–4
Numerous secular studies and research projects
attest to the health benefits of the attitude of
gratitude. From better sleep to fewer medical
symptoms, gratitude just seems to satisfy.
The apostle John says to his beloved sons and
brothers in Christ, “I pray that all may go well with
you and that you may be in good health, as it goes
well with your soul” (v. 2). He’s right—there’s
something physically strengthening and sustaining
about being joyful in the Lord and grateful for His
While living a godly life does not guarantee physical
health, a healthy (spiritual) heart can do much to
enhance our physical and emotional well-being. What
are some reasons you think that might be the case?
We’ve been on this gratitude journey for more than
ten days now. What differences have you noticed in
your overall wellness and outlook?
I don’t know about you but I feel more relaxed, thankful,
and joyful since starting this challenge. No I’m not perfect and I still
struggle with self-pity and stress…but I am more aware of my blessings.
How abut you…if you are doing the challenge have you noticed
any changes?
For His Glory,