So life has been topsy-turvy, up and down, ever changing at the last moment!
My husband still has not found a that means NOOOO money. We have gone threw my retirement money.
The last week of July he informed me that some of his family members are willing to pay for us to go to a huge family reunion that was going on in St. Louise, then get us to his parents house and back home.
So with 3 days to spare, we (aka, I *wink*) baked, made lists, packed, and cleaned the house as best as possible with such notice and "hit the road."
No, I don't feel that it is the best choice. My brain tells me we needed to stay, for many being so that he can continue to look for a local job.
But I prayed about it and didn't feel the Lord telling me no. Actually He seemed to open the door. So off we went!
The reunion was tiring, but a BLAST.
We are now at my in-laws and wont be home until the middle of next week. My mother in-law is paying my husband to do some work around the house, because she wants to get it ready to put on the market.
I am trying to figure out how to create a drop down menu bar. So PLEASE excuse the mess while I try and figure it out. *wink*
God has been working in my heart the past few weeks and I have so much to share with ya'll! I hardly know where to begin!!
I do have a prayer request though...things have been tense with my husband and I. My husband had an interview with a company down here (Mississippi) without telling me and just informed me that he has another tomorrow. I am struggling with hurt, anger and distrust. We need to talk, but am NOT looking forward to it. *smile*
On another note...where does the time go?? I can't believe it is already August! Once we get home I need to start preparing for the upcoming school year.
OH, before I forget, Friday we will have a guest post. I hope you enjoy it!
For HIS Glory,