Monday, August 26, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 5

Day 5

Ephesians 5:15–21

     I hope you’re becoming more alert to the many 

reasons you have to be grateful. I remember hearing 

a friend tell how, while brushing his teeth and 

meditating on one of the verses in today’s reading 

(Ephesians 5:20), he was struck by the word 

“everything.” He was reminded of the importance of 

thanking God for even those “little things” that we 

often overlook. It made him pause and be thankful 

for, well … his toothbrush. And his toothpaste. And, 

while he was at it, he thanked God for his teeth, for 

probably the first time in his life.

     This may require another separate list from the 

ones you made yesterday, but it’s definitely a 

category worth considering. Since everything is a gift 

from God (James 1:17), “everything” is something to 

be thankful for. My friend told me he also asked 

himself: “If tomorrow’s supply depended on today’s 

thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?”

What “little things” can you add to the gratitude lists 

you’ve started? 
    Some of the items on your“everything” list will 

make you realize you’ve taken certain people in your 

life for granted. Say thank you today in some way.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. -James 1:17

     This challenge may be familiar to you. I've heard it 

before as well. I don't know about you but list keeps 

growing and could probably be endless. But you get 

the point...EVERYTHING...big and small, is a blessing 

from God. I was thinking of Joni Erickson Tada, and 

am thankful for my mobility, and my families mobility.

What are some ways you can say thank you?

I was thinking I could say it to someone's face, write 

card, or an e-card. Perhaps do something nice for 

that person or make them a meal. Ideas?

For His Glory,

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