Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 7

Day 7

Luke 17:11–15

As you read today’s passage, notice some things 

about the leper who returned to thank Jesus.

First, he came loudly. He couldn’t contain his 

gratitude. This occasion called for an unrestrained, 

extreme, public display of thanks.

Second, he came close. The ten lepers “stood at a 

distance” (v. 12) from Jesus—lepers were 

ceremonially defiled and weren't allowed to come 

close to those who were “clean.” The healed leper 

who “fell on his face at Jesus’ feet, giving him thanks” 

(v. 16) was the only one of the ten who ever got 

close to Jesus. Gratitude places us in close proximity 

to Christ, where we experience the fullness of His 

redeeming power and enjoy the blessing of His 


Third, he came from a distance. “He was a 

Samaritan” (v. 16). This man had never known the 

true God until Jesus came into his world and 

transformed his life. After being separated from Jesus 

by a religious, cultural, and physical gulf, he loved 

what he saw in Jesus. 

Gratitude will draw you close to Jesus. Look for an 

opportunity today to thank the Lord for what He has 

done in your life—aloud, and in the presence of 


My plan is to praise God in front of my husband and 

kids for things the Lord has done. But also for things 

they have done. I want my kids to see me praising 

the Lord and speaking highly of Him throughout our 

"normal" day.

Who did you show gratitude to?

For His Glory,

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 6

Day 6

Romans 11:33–36

 Robertson McQuilkin, former president of Columbia International University, 
tells of a time when, following his wife’s diagnosis with Alzheimer’s and the 
death of his eldest son, he retreated alone to a mountain hideaway, trying to 
reorient his heart and recapture a love for God that had slowly evaporated in 
the heat of personal, tragic loss.

After a day devoted to prayer and fasting, he began writing God a love letter, 
enumerating the gifts he had received from the Lord’s hand. He identified ten 
particular blessings from God that just absolutely exceeded his imagination, things he could hardly find words to express how invaluable they were, how impossible life would be without them.

I encourage you to flip back through the lists you’ve been making and choose a top ten—spiritual blessings that are so big, you could never generate enough gratitude to express what they mean to you and what they tell you about your Savior.

The next time your mind is troubled by sad or worrisome thoughts, pull out your top ten and consciously transfer your focus from whatever is weighing you down, and start giving thanks for the things on your list.

I don't about you, but this list is taking me a while. Mainly because I am getting detailed in my answers, so if i look back on it I will Lord willing, fully remember. I'm excited about this list though. It has helped keep me focus on Christ and what He has done in my life.

What about you, how is your list coming along? I would love to hear some of your blessings!

For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Ahem. - Psalm 11:36

For His glory,

Monday, August 26, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 5

Day 5

Ephesians 5:15–21

     I hope you’re becoming more alert to the many 

reasons you have to be grateful. I remember hearing 

a friend tell how, while brushing his teeth and 

meditating on one of the verses in today’s reading 

(Ephesians 5:20), he was struck by the word 

“everything.” He was reminded of the importance of 

thanking God for even those “little things” that we 

often overlook. It made him pause and be thankful 

for, well … his toothbrush. And his toothpaste. And, 

while he was at it, he thanked God for his teeth, for 

probably the first time in his life.

     This may require another separate list from the 

ones you made yesterday, but it’s definitely a 

category worth considering. Since everything is a gift 

from God (James 1:17), “everything” is something to 

be thankful for. My friend told me he also asked 

himself: “If tomorrow’s supply depended on today’s 

thanksgiving, how much would I have tomorrow?”

What “little things” can you add to the gratitude lists 

you’ve started? 
    Some of the items on your“everything” list will 

make you realize you’ve taken certain people in your 

life for granted. Say thank you today in some way.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. -James 1:17

     This challenge may be familiar to you. I've heard it 

before as well. I don't know about you but list keeps 

growing and could probably be endless. But you get 

the point...EVERYTHING...big and small, is a blessing 

from God. I was thinking of Joni Erickson Tada, and 

am thankful for my mobility, and my families mobility.

What are some ways you can say thank you?

I was thinking I could say it to someone's face, write 

card, or an e-card. Perhaps do something nice for 

that person or make them a meal. Ideas?

For His Glory,

Friday, August 23, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 4

Day 4

Psalm 103:1–5

     As we recognize and identify the specific blessings we have received from 

God and from others, we discover countless reasons for expressing gratitude. 

The psalmist took time to bless the Lord for specific benefits—he didn’t want 

to forget even one of them! As you open your heart to Him in prayer today, 

ask God to reveal to you just how great your “benefits package” really is.

     Make two lists under these headings: “Gifts from God” and “Gifts from 

Others.” Then put down everything that comes to mind. Don’t try forcing this 

into a one-time, ten-minute exercise—stop and start as it seems natural. 

Keep adding to these lists as additional gifts come to mind over the next 

thirty days (and beyond).


     After you’ve written out a list of your blessings, take some time to walk 

through your list line by line, thanking God for each of these “benefits.” Then, 

read Psalm 103 aloud. Try memorizing and meditating on at least the first 

five verses over the next week or so.

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His Holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you loving kindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's. -Psalm 107:1-5

For His Glory,

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 3

Day 3

Psalm 107:1–32

     The theme of Psalm 107 (stated in the first two verses) is followed by four “personal testimonies”—illustrations of those who have been redeemed by the Lord and have reason to give Him thanks. Each testimony includes a similar progression: distress—the straits people found themselves in; a desperate cry to the Lord for help; and Divine deliverance. The passage is punctuated by a response—a “thanksgiving chorus” that is repeated at the end of each testimony.

     Today, write out your personal testimony of God’s saving grace, following the progression found in Psalm 107.

  • What was your life like before He redeemed you?
  • How did God bring you to the end of yourself, to the place where you cried out to Him for mercy?
  • What has changed since He delivered you from your slavery to sin?
     If you have additional time, write another brief testimony of a time subsequent to your initial salvation, when you were in distress, you cried out to the Lord, and He came to your rescue.

     Then share your story (His story) with someone else today. Tell them how grateful you are to the Lord for saving you—eternally, as well as daily.

     I don't know about you, but I enjoyed today's challenge! I was saved as a little girl, but turned my back on God for about a year. God used that time to bring me to my knees and has continued to do so. It certainly hasn't been easy, but when we sin the consequences are never easy. Praise be to God, He has used it to sanctify me!

      There have been other times, such as when I was in the hospital wondering if i might lose Josiah or my life. My husband living far away was another.

     Of course there are some that are still in process. Such as losing our precious Emma, my husband being up here (it is COMPLETELY different and I am constantly crying out for the Lord to make me a more godly wife and show us how to work and live together *smile*), and of course unemployment has been the biggest trial.But I have chosen to trust God and want to give HIM the glory-DURING and AFTER.

What about you? I would love to hear your testimony. Or share it with someone else.

If you have time read 1 Thes. 5:16-18 then listen to, The Bouquet of Thorns.

I want to challenge you, to begin to thank God for the thorns; to consider the thorns a blessing; to see God's purpose and hand in bringing thorns into our lives. -Nancy

For His Glory,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 2

Day 2

Colossians 1:3122:73:15–174:2

 The central theme of Colossians is Christ. He is exalted and worshiped for 

His divine nature, being the Creator and Sustainer of all things, His 

preeminence over all creation and over all cosmic rulers and powers, His 

redemptive, reconciling work on the cross, defeating the powers of darkness, 

being the Head of the church which is His body, being the fulfillment and 

substance of Old Testament types and figures, being the believer’s life and 

our hope of glory, and so much more!

As those who have “died” with Christ, “been buried with him in baptism,” and 

“raised with him through faith,” our joy and hope do not emanate from any 

earthly source or from our religious practices, but from Him. Within the four 

chapters of this short epistle, Paul calls us to be: sexually pure, 

compassionate, kind, humble, meek, patient, forgiving, loving, peaceful, 

obedient, just, wise, gracious, and thankful!

Read through one or more of the following passages from Colossians, 

meditating on them, praying them back to God, and using them as a basis for 

giving thanks to Him!

Which verse "hit home" for you?

For His Glory.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Day 1

Day 1

Colossians 3:12–17

     I’ve often said that “gratitude is learning to recognize and express 

appreciation for the benefits we have received from God and from others.”

This means constantly being on the lookout for blessings, making each day a 

treasure hunt. It means being intentional about thanking God and others for 

the blessings that come our way.

Overall, how would you rate your “Gratitude Quotient”?

  • I look at the world through grateful eyes and consistently express my gratitude to God and others.
  • I know I’ve been greatly blessed, but I don’t often stop to actually express my gratitude to God and others.
  • To be honest, I had not thought a lot about gratitude until starting this challenge. I’ve got a long way to go to develop a lifestyle of gratitude.
  • I’m a whiner! I tend to focus on my problems and I frequently express them to others.

     Ask the Lord to cultivate in you a more grateful heart over these next 

thirty days. If you have realized that your “Gratitude Quotient” is not 

what it should be, confess your ungrateful spirit to the Lord. Ask Him to 

forgive you and to transform you into a truly thankful person.

     After spending time thinking about WHY the trial(unemployment/marriage 

struggles) is been so hard and overwhelming compared to other trials (losing 

Emma,Josiah, etc). I realized that a big reason is I don't see an end. Yes, 

having no means of bringing in a regular income is crazy stressful in and of 

itself! But having no idea when the end of that will come is HARD! Will God 

provide my husband with a job next week? Three months? 5 years? 

     It would be SOOOOO much easier to deal with if I knew, "He would have 

job in 3 months."My brains says, "Ok 3 more month, only 3 more." But we 

have no idea! 

     And that is where faith comes in...that is where totally and completely 

leaning on Christ...relying on HIM, comes in!

     Lately, I have become a whiner, to myself. Yet at the same time I haven't 

completely forgotten about gratitude. I did/do thank God for things. For 

example a few weeks back it was crazy hot and hot in the apartment. We 

discovered a tucked away place along the local river, which was PERFECT for 

swimming and staying cool with the kids. I was very thankful for that. *smile* 

I have been thankful that when I NEED food or gas, God has provided it! 

I just need to remember to focus more on my blessing, then wants. *wink*

What about you? How did you rate? What did God show you?

For HIS Glory,

Monday, August 19, 2013

Choosing Gratitude Intro

Tomorrow we will be starting our 30 Day Challenge on Gratitude.

We all face trials in our lives, some may be considered small and others big. But when you are going through those trials they are still difficult and a trial to that person.

BUT...we must remember that God instructs us (on more then one occasion) to be joyful/to find joy DURING those trials.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.-James 1:2

One of my sister in-law's oldest son has a nut allergy. She and I were talking about his nut allergy during our stay in MS, and she was sharing how difficult and scary it can be. But then she said something I haven't been able to get out of my's a concept I know and understand...but tend to forget. She said,

She gives God the glory and find JOY (yes, that's right JOY) in him having a peanut allergy. Because it draws her closer to Christ. She is "forced" to rely on Him more/alone.
WOW!! I want to be able to give God the glory and have joy through this trial! I have lost my joy. I struggle with self pity, instead of drawing closer and completely relying on Him! 

As a reminder you can buy Nancy's book Choosing Gratitude or you can just follow/join in with the post.

I have been trying to decide if I want to do a Mon/Wed/Fri with the days in between to reflect/do homework. Or do Mon-Fri with the weekends for catch up. I think i will do the later, since that is closer to an actual 30 day schedule. *wink*

Do you have a preference  Are you going to join me in the challenge? If so are you going to read the book? 

I'm excited!! A little nervous too, since I am also starting my new quite time routine  though I think they go hand in hand. 

For HIS Glory,

Friday, August 16, 2013

Affiliate Introductions-U.S. Wellness Meats

I have been wanting to introduce you to my affiliates, so I will be introducing them here and there.

Today I would like to introduce U.S.Wellness Meats!

Four times a year a friend of mine orders a bulk order of grass fed, organic ground beef. That is typically where I get my ground beef, because the price is so AWESOME! Then I found out, she places her order with...

U.S. Wellness Meats.

I was so excited to find out they also sell other meats and products and wanted to share them with you.

Some of the items they sell:

  • Beef
  • lamb
  • Poultry
  • Bison
  • Dairy
  • Pork
  • Rabbit
  • Seafood
  • Snacks
  • Pet Food
  • And much more!

Some of the reasons I love U.S. Wellness Meats:

  • Their meat is grass-fed and organic.
  • It just tastes better!
  • Their animal get to be out grazing like they should.
  • Was created and still run by a handful of FAMILY farms in the U.S.
  • It's healthier for you.
  • Their prices are awesome.
  • They ship right to your home!
  • FREE shipping!!
  • Even LOWER rates if you buy in bulk.

You could do what a handful of us do...we buy a bulk order. We each order what we want, if we want any at that time. You have to order at least 40 lbs to get the lower rates. We rarely don't meet the minimum.

Did you know that because the meat is grass-fed and organic that you can eat the fat. For example, when I make taco salads, after scrambling the meat, I DON'T drain the fat. I keep the fat in with the meat, when adding the water/seasoning. It's tastes a lot better and the fat is actually healthy for you!

Some cons:

  •  Shipping is FREE, but there is a $7.49 handling charge.
  • If you run out, you have to wait for your order to come in (you can't just run to the store).
  • In order to get the lower prices you have to order at least 40 lbs, for each bulk item. :( Of course unless what you want is on sale! :)

What about you...are you thinking of getting some friends together to place an order?

For His Glory,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Happy Monday everyone!

So recently I became a Lilla Rose consultant and am SO excited!! I just LOVE Lilla Rose!

So to try and jump start my business I am having a giveaway.

Anyone that places an order by the end of September through my website will be entered to win a free Lilla Rose product of their choice!!

ALSO anyone that books a party with me (by 9/30) either an online party or an in-house party and books it for a date before the end of November, will also be entered to win a free Lilla Rose product of their choice!

So you can do either one or both. 

Please, please pass on the word! You can share this post, share the photo on my blog facebook page, share the photo under my Lilla Rose facebook page, or of course by word of mouth!

Thank you!

My website is:

For His Glory,

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Process of Refinement

I have been struggling with writing this post. It's hard to bare one's heart/life in the open, let alone sin! But if I feel led to share with ya'll what's been going on and what God is showing me. But I have to be careful, I don't want to complain or slander anyone or anything!

Back in January a friend mentioned that I needed to forgive my husband. I just smiled and nodded politely. Thinking I have already forgiven him...right?...RIGHT?!? I couldn't get her words out of my head.

As the months have gone by, life has become more stressful, money tighter, more strain put on my marriage, and turning to God asking HIM to show me my sins. HE has shown me that I indeed DO struggle with forgiving my husband. God directed me to Nancy Leigh Demoss, I have started her book "Choosing Forgiveness" and listening to Revive Our Hearts whenever I get the chance. Through her help I have realized that my unforgiveness has turned into...bitterness.

I am reading, Choosing Forgiveness, by Nancy Leigh Demoss and it has been "eye opening" as well as some radio series on Revive Our Hearts.It's not easy, but I am planning on sharing with you in the near future what I am learning and how God is changing my heart.

But first:

God had been revealing to me and reminding me continually over the past few weeks 3 things:

  • Pray, Pray, PRAY! Pour out my heart, go to HIM, pray with out ceasing!
  • Do NOT FEAR! Let me say it again, DO NOT FEAR! HE will NOT forsake me!
  • Seek HIM out! Study His word, get up early to seek Him, do a Bible study.

I was listening to Healing from Bitterness W/ Yvonne Welsh on Revive Our Hearts, while here in MS...and God stopped me in my tracks. She was sharing how she was always a happy person (reminding me of me), but several years after being married, God revealed to her after a series of events, she had become bitter. A friend confronted her and told her; "You REALLY DON'T know God."

And I thought to my shame...that is ME. 

I am so ashamed and I would prefer not to admit it, but I need to, I have become bitter. Which reveals that I don't truly know God. My trials have worn me down, I have lost my joy (which is a sin), and have become bitter.

Lord, I’m not going to make it. I am physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally exhausted. In fact, I really don’t think I’m going to be able to make it to be a mother 
Wow! That is exactly how I feel!!

As long as we think we can manage, we can handle it, we act as if we don’t need God. We always do need God.
But it’s when we come to the end of our own resources: that’s brokenness. That’s where God’s strength and grace take over. And that’s how God is glorified. -Nancy
God is showing me that HE is giving me/us these trials to sanctify me. 
In Isaiah 48:10 we are told, “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction.”
 I am going through the furnace of affliction. I have been saying, “Lord, show me the sin that is in my life.” He is answering that prayer (though is is NOT easy).

God knows just how to get our attention and He knows just what to do to break this will that is inside of us. God was allowing me to go through a time where He was purifying me, where He was breaking me, and where He was truly refining me. -Yvonne

How am I dealing with tackling my joylessness/bitterness?:

  • Reading, Choosing Forgiveness.
  •  Taking the 30 day choosing Gratitude Challenge.
  • Getting up early to do the homework that Yvonne's friend gave her:
1. Get a notebook and at the top put praise and put 5 things to praise God for. 
2. Then confess and list 5 things. 
3. Then give thanksgiving for 5 things, write them down. 
4. Then comes intercession, list and about 5 things to intercede for someone. 5. Lastly comes supplication (To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying.).
6. Take Psalms, look for 5 attributes of God every day. Write them down. After 5 stop reading.
7. Memorize scripture, such as 1 Cor. 10:13, 1 Thes. 5:18.

Why don't you consider joining me! You can even purchase the Choosing Gratitude book, to go along with the challenge.

What about you do need to take one or both of these challenges? We will be starting the 30 Day challenge Monday.

The series with Yvonne, if you would like to listen:

Healing from Bitterness

Healing from Bitterness 2

Healing from Bitterness 3

For HIS Glory,

Friday, August 9, 2013

Family Travel Tips

Family Travel Tips

Summer has arrived, and, for many people, that means it is time for a road trip! The entire family has anticipated this vacation for months and has talked about it constantly. While it is not necessary to schedule your vacation to death, it is always a good idea to use a little forethought in order to make the trip as enjoyable as possible. To make this trip a memorable one, in a positive way, you should observe a few travel tips.

1. Breakfast
Begin each day with a full, healthy breakfast. This is not only important to get the day started properly, but is also helpful in keeping food expenses lower for the rest of the day. Also, the activities of the day are not nearly as pleasant on an empty stomach. Take the extra time to start the day right. I like using Gogobot to sift through reviews before I make a decision on where to stay. When my family went to Florida, I checked through their great list of Orlando hotels and found first hand advice like which hotels have kid-friendly pools, quiet hours policies and free breakfasts!

2. Rest
It is imperative, especially with younger children to receive adequate rest. Observation on many vacations will easily reveal the families who have run their children long hours every day with very little time to rest. Vacations can be much more enjoyable when everyone, including the little people of the party, is enjoying them.

3. Nutritional snacks
Plan ahead to have some easy to carry and healthy snacks. Paying for snacks on the road, at museums, and in the parks is quite costly. Prepare everyone’s favorite light snack ahead of time and pull it out when the “bear starts growling.”

4. Hygiene while traveling on airplanes
Germs never take a vacation. No matter what mode of transportation you use, be aware of your surroundings. Airplanes especially are breeding grounds for germs. They are used multiple times per day and are not thoroughly cleaned until the end of the day. There has also been major concern recently over the water used on airplanes because the holding tanks are rarely if ever cleaned.

5. Overall safety especially around water
Most summer vacations involve at least some activity associated with water. While this is always great fun, vacation is not the time to let your guard down. Beaches and swimming pools are typically full of fun-loving guests who do not spend a lot of time in the water. This unfamiliarity sometimes breeds carelessness. Always keep every family member in view. Try to position yourself near a lifeguard or other individual with life saving experience. Know the conditions of the particular situation. It is imperative to always be alert around water. Enjoy the swim, but do it safely!

Now it is time to pack up and hit the road. Fasten those belts and enjoy the ride. And, by the way, savor every moment. In a few days, you will be anticipating the next big trip – and it is only a WHOLE YEAR away!

Kendra Thornton: Travel advocate, TV spokesperson, PR businesswoman, proud wife and mama of 3. I am a long time travel expert who has been packing my bags and traveling the world since I was 3 months old! I've found my utmost desire in life is right here in my own home. I have mixed my excitement for travel by bringing the taste of authentic cuisine to my own home with some of my unique recipes and sharing some of my personal traveling tips. Enjoy!

Kendra's list is so timely for our family as we will be spending 2 days driving home. 

Would you add anything to this list?

For His Glory,

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