Day 28
Philippians 1:3–11
If expressing gratitude is to become a
way of life for us, we can’t treat it as
an optional exercise. If it never gets
beyond our wish list, if it nestles down
with all the other nice things we hope
to get around to someday, the
“someday” of gratitude will never roll
around on our calendars.
way of life for us, we can’t treat it as
an optional exercise. If it never gets
beyond our wish list, if it nestles down
with all the other nice things we hope
to get around to someday, the
“someday” of gratitude will never roll
around on our calendars.
So I want to encourage you to think of
gratitude as being a debt you owe, the
same way you’re called upon to pay
your monthly bills. Start a list
designated as “Gratitude Accounts,”
specific listings of individuals to whom
you owe a debt of thanks.
By doing this, you can make it a point
today to make a phone call just to
thank a friend for the way she’s shown
her concern for you during a difficult
time. When the Lord opens a window of
opportunity for you to jot a quick thank-
you note this evening, you’ll have a
ready-made list of people to choose
We all have gratitude accounts. There
just aren’t many of us who keep them
paid up. Make sure you’re becoming
the type of person who stays current
on your bill.
I do try hard to stays "current on my gratitude bill." I don't want to take anyone for granted! Thinking about it the most people I take for granted to my family.Why is it so easy to forget to show our own family members gratitude?!
My goal is to be more aware and "current on my bill" towards my family.
How are you with your gratitude accounts?
For His Glory,