It is so easy to be discontent. Go tells us not to covet.
Several years back God brought it to my attention that I was coveting, wanting to own a home. I still struggle with being discontent over not owning my own home, with a yard and woods for the kids to play in.
I have been struggling with fear and worry and well...discontentment over my husband not having a job. There is no steady source of money coming in at this time! I realize that I have been thinking, "well if he had a job...if only he had a job...if he got a job...why hasn't God provided a job?"
The other day after hearing a friend talk about her husband working late and her having to care for the kids alone, I thought, "Well at LEAST he has a job. I would rejoice if my husband had a job to work late at." But God brought to my attention that even in that thought I was being discontent!
He reminded me of my sin from the above quote. Then later that day during family bible and prayer time I started to fret and be discontent and what happened?! My husband randomly (without knowing my thoughts) asked God to give us contentment in all things! Ah! Another reminder from God.
I am thankful that my husband is finally here with us as a family! I'm thankful that once again God has provided the funds to pay our bills! I'm thankful that everyone is healthy! I'm thankful that we have running vehicles and gas to put in them! I could go on and on.
Yes, my husband still does not have a job, it is frustrating and can be scary! BUT, it could be so much worse! I am in the middle of reading a book about the slums in India and I am reminded to be CONTENT and THANKFUL!
How about you, are you struggling with discontentment?
For His Glory,