Monday, September 3, 2012

Joyful in Trials

Image via Barry Skeates/Flickr

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials.
James 1:2

Have you ever had one of those days (or perhaps more then one *wink*), where you feel overwhelmed and frustrated? I know I have!

Josiah has been teething and is cranky. He only wants to be held and screams LOUDLY and angrily!

I prayed to have more patience and God has answered!...Now my 2 year old is pushing the boundaries even more the past few days. She is constantly whining and wanting my attention. Ha! God is trying to teach me patience through her. *smile*

My oldest spills a mess on the freshly cleaned floor. I want to scream!!

Then I remember, James 1:2. I am to find JOY in all my trials. I don't know about you, but when I hear the word trial, I think of BIG trials, not "little" trials. But God doesn't say to find joy in only "big" trials (which as a family we are going through some now.). He says to find joy in VARIOUS trials.

That's when I stop and think, I am so THANKFUL that Josiah alive! That his lung are strong and healthy enough to make sounds, let alone scream! I remember when he was too little to make noise. The first time we heard him make a noise was in the NICU and they had to reinsert his breathing tube and he made some little noises like a mouse squeaking. I WEPT for JOY and the fact that he was getting strong enough to make sounds.

 I thank Him for this time of instruction and that I am able to be home to instruct and discipline her. i find joy in her wanting me to be part of her life (even if it is 24/7 *wink*).

I thank the Lord that He has allowed me to stay home and home school Dakota.I am joyful that she is home with me and her sibling during the day.

Don't forget JOY!! What are some trials that you have dealt with lately and how did you find joy in them?

For His glory,

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