Friday, February 20, 2015

Jamberry Mystery Hostess Party

     I hope the Winter Season finds you  well! I have been super busy recovering after Savannah's surgery (she cried almost all day for 2 weeks, then had to find a new routine) and Josiah has had a bunch of therapy evaluations and changes. Add homeschooling and being a mom/wife/housekeeper and well you know, like gets pretty crazy!! :)

      I have to share as I type this I'm listening to Savannah babble away, what a wonderful (praise the Lord) change! :) I also have an update half-way typed up.

     In case you didn't know, I am a consultant for Jamberry Nails. Yay! I LOVE my Jamberry nails! I am trying to grow my business, so I can raise funds to pay for Savannah and Josiah's medical and therapy bills. My husband now has a job...praise the LORD!! We are working hard at paying off all our debt and then saving up a down payment for a house (Lord willing), so I would love to be able to chip in a pay Josiah's weekly therapy bill and Lord willing, pay any other medical/therapy that gets thrown at us.

     Sooooo....drum roll please ;)....I'm having a Mystery Hostess Party! You can enter in now through the end of the month for your chance to win ALL the hostess benefits! Through the end of February the theme is Going, Going, Gone. There are a ton of wraps and lacquers that are going away, so get them while you can!!

Love Jamberry? Are you curious and want to give it a try? Well here's your chance to win FREE shipping, products and 1/2 price items.

How does it work?
-Place an order and get 5 entry points.
-Like my Facebook Page and get 2 entry points.
-Subscribe to my email list and get 2 entry points.
-Head on over to the party on Facebook to play some games and learn more about Jamberry and myself.

Go ahead and enter via rafflecopter... the winner will be announced Friday night 2/27 .

Going Going Gone Mystery Hostess Rafflecopter Giveaway

FYI, I can always mail you a free sample if your interested. You can also host a Jamberry party in home and/or through Facebook. I would love to throw you a party! Contact me if your interested.

Want to give Jamberry as a gift, but don't have time to order and have it shipped? You can always order a gift card though my website!

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